A Sad Date

In the last September 11th was the 5th anniversary of the destruction of World Trade Center 1 and 2 ( Twin Towers).
In CBBC Newsround I found the testimonies of an 11 years old boy called Eric, that lived in New York. Eric said:
"The morning it happened, I was sleeping. I heard a bang and I woke up.
I went downstairs and my brother and sister said that one of the towers had gone down. I was really shocked. I wasn't scared, just shocked.
We didn't have a TV so we couldn't see what was happening but our friend called us and told us exactly what was going on."
My experience with 9/11 is very similar to Eric's. I was very confused. I didn't know what was happening so I was happy because we where leaving school. It wasn't until a few days later that I got to know what had happened with the Twin Towers. That's when I got worried and understood how bad things where.
Still when I knew that things where bad, I didn't understand why everyone was so shocked. I didn't even know what the Twin Towers were. I thought that a few people had died. Finally, my father explained me a LOT of people had died, that the Twin Towers were the World Trade Center and how important it was. Finally he also explained me that the reason of why we were taken out of school is because we are an American school so we had the risk of being attacked too. I got very scared.
Now, after 5 years, things have changed. I still feel sad for all that people that died. I'm also worried that something similar may happen again. But I'm not so scared as I was in those days that I was so little. Now, every September 11th I remember that day, and I think I'll ever forget it.
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