"Three Skeleton Key" Was OK!
"Three Skeleton Key" is a story by George G. Toudoze that I liked in some ways and disliked in another. I'm starting by telling the things that I liked.
"Three Skeleton Key" was a good story in some ways. I liked that the story had a lot of suspense. Also I thought it was good that the setting was well described because like that I can get a mental picture of most of the things. It remind me of "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi", which is another story, because I also got a mental picture of the setting in that story.
I also think that this story was bad in some ways, for example, one of the problems in the story: rats. Rats are this horrible animals that I think nobody likes, but in the story, they are mentioned a lot, and to make it worst, it has a lot of pictures of them. "Three Skeleton Key" is very similar to a culvert because it has rats, smells and strange noises.
Another reason I didn't like this story is that it was supposed to be scary but it wasn't. I can't understand why the author thought that rats driving a boat was something scary. It is mostly funny! I think that if someone reads this story, he or she will think that it is a normal story making fun of scary story, like happens in "Scary Movie". This is a problem that happens in most stories that try to be scary.
This story was okay. It will never be my favorite because it has bad things. But it also had good things so it wasn't so bad. However, if someone asks me for a good story to read, I will never recommend "Three Skeleton Key".
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