Sea Accident
About a couple of years ago I was going to the Rosario Islands with my family. We invited a French far familiar called Beatriz. We were in the boat perfectly until suddenly it stopped. I saw forward and saw to men. First I thought they were swimming and thought they were crazy to be swimming so far away from the coast! Then I thought they were selling something. As we got closer I noticed there was a LOT of people including little children. They were tourists which were in a small boat that had been broken by a big wave!
Our boat had already a lot of people so we called for help. Another boat came and took some people to a small cruise near by. I imagine that was the only thing the tourists were happy of! Nobody got hurt in this accident. But now we had to take the people that came to help us to our island because the tourists had borrowed their boat. Everybody was very nervous, including me. I was dizzy because when a boat stops, it is more sensitive to big waves. However, I got better.
In the island we gave the people some food. My grandfather and my dad started calling in radio to see if they could find people that were going to the same destiny that these people. Finally, all the people were send to their islands. After that, everything went well in our little trip to the islands.
Beatriz had a video camera. She had taken a video of all the people yelling and crying in the water with all the belongings and shoes floating. Also, she filmed a man that was the most useful because he helped the people to hop from the water to a boat or from one boat to another. However, Beatriz couldn’t film the people when they entered the boat because maybe they got offended. If she had done that, this is something that would have appeared: a women crying and very nervous yelling, “My son! Please, my son!”. Finally her son got into the boat. Unfortunately, a problem in the computer didn’t let me show in this post this video that even appeared in the news!
The sea accident was a very different experience. It was very excited but scary because imagine yourself on the position of the tourists! Something good about this is that this made us feel like the heroes. Who knows when the next boat would have passed by? I think the sea accident is something I’m never forgetting.
Hey Mapau
I had felt very scared if something like that happened to me. Thanks god your boat stoped and help them. I think it was very nice helping the tourists. I'm glad your trip continued well. If I was you,thhe trip was over for me. Good post!
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